• 开云(中国)Kaiyun

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    APSCOM 2012 国际会议(香港)征文通知


      Invitation to Submit a Paper to APSCOM 2012 Conference




    (18-21November 2012)



    The 9th IET International Conference on Advances in Power system Control, Operation and Management is organized by The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong, Power and Energy Section Supported by IEEE (HK) Joint Chapter of PES/IAS/PELS/IES, HKIE Electrical Division and CEM.

    Venue: Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel, Hong Kong

    Date: 18-21 November 2012

    On behalf of the Organizing Committee of APSCOM 2012, I have much pleasure to invite you to submit papers to the APSCOM 2012 conference. The theme of this year is “Challenges and Opportunities of SMART GRID”.

    Given the coverage and levels of participants, APSCOM has been a popular international conference over the years in Asian region among practitioners and specialists. APSCOM 2012 will focus on challenges and opportunities of Smart Grid, and will serve as a forum for professionals and specialists to share ideas, innovations and experiences on promoting a reliable, efficient and sustainable development of the electricity supply industry.

    Please click the following link to see the call-for-paper flyer for your information. 

    http://www.iee.org.hk/iee/files/event1015.pdf The abstracts can be submitted online via. the website: http://www.apscom2012.org/ 

     The abstract submission deadline is 31 May 2012.


    Yours faithfully,

     Dr C.Y. Chung

     Vice-Chairman APSCOM 2012 Organizing Committee


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